My Journey in Research

Since 2017, I have conducted research across oncology, neuroscience, genetics, parasitology, bioinformatics/genomics, biomedical engineering, materials science, and public health. I started my research journey in eighth grade when a principal investigator at UNC-Charlotte, Dr. Kausik Chakrabarti, allowed me to conduct research at his lab. Here I researched efficient cancer treatments, gene-silencing to reduce the expression of schizophrenia causing genes, and gene-specific vulnerabilities in pancreatic cancer cells. In 2020, when COVID-19 restricted my wet lab access, I began training in bioinformatics and genomics for virtual parasitology research on the phylogeny of telomerase in pathogens. I have also conducted self-directed biomedical engineering research at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics where a hallmate and I built and designed a portable, affordable stent manufacturing 3D printer from scratch, with pro-bono access to laser cutting machinery from Hagar6, a local parts shop. I also conducted research in materials science at Stony Brook University through the Garcia Research Program. Here, I authored four research projects regarding the effect of nanoparticles and presented them at the 2021 Materials Science Research Fall Meeting in Boston, MA. Currently, I am researching mercury-free gold mining technology with the Duke Global Health Institute.

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Research List

Featured at International Science and Engineering Fair.

ARTHETA-0: An Innovative, Affordable Approach to the Rapid, On-site 3D Printing of Artery Stents, Parameterized to Fit Individual Patients' Needs. Read more

A Potential Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Pre-mRNA Splicing Inhibition: An Innovative Approach by Identifying Vulnerabilities in Pancreatic Cancer Cells Using Biflavonoid Isoginkgetin and Pladienolide B. Read more

Conducted at Chakrabarti Lab in UNC Charlotte, Garcia Research Program (Stony Brook University), Duke University

Impact of SynOss on the Proliferation and Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem Cell. Read more

The Effect of Hypochlorous on the Migration and Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem Cells. Read more

The Effect of Titanium Dioxide on Cell Survival and Proliferation and Bacterial Infection. Read more

The Impact of TiO2 on the Network Mechanics of HUVEC. Read more

A Potential Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Pre-mRNA Splicing Inhibition: An Innovative Approach by Identifying Vulnerabilities in Pancreatic Cancer Cells Using Biflavonoid Isoginkgetin and Pladienolide B. Read more

Using Bioinformatics to Construct Phylogenetic Trees and Trace the Evolutionary History of Telomerase in Pathogens Read more

Using siRNA Transfection to Inhibit NOS1AP Gene Expression to Increase Dendritic Arborization in Schizophrenic Brain Anatomy. Read more

Scoping Review of Mercury-Free or Mercury-Reducing Gold Mining Technology. Read more